That's how many sketches I received in this year's American Institute of Architects (AIA) Associates Committee Design Competition. It is my second year to chair and coordinate Design Competitions, and as usual a lot of leg work but quite the reward. I can even say I have organized my second international design competition. This year I received entries from China, New Zealand, and Canada. The rest of the entries were local and national. With these more low key events, by that I mean a committee of myself, I usually think through a lot of things on my own and in my head--logistics, marketing & advertising, coordinating, event planning, exhibition curating, etc.
My jury, a panel of five. Two architects that have experience and expertise in graphic and hand renderings, a cartoonist, an artist, and an architect that started his own professional design feedback website.
The reception on August 1st, and the show runs through mid-September. After Wednesday, I'm hands off until I have to pack it up.
Figured I would share my hard work the promos for the 2012 SKETCH SHOWDOWN!
Week 1 | Initial |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Additional images to come:
Opening Reception Promo
Exhibition Poster